The Importance of Hydration and How to Stay Properly Hydrated

21 Jan 2023 / Mohit Bhatia

For maintaining excellent health and general wellbeing, proper hydration is crucial.

Every cell, tissue, and organ in the human body—which is 60% water—depends on water to function effectively. Many individuals feel dehydrated because they don't drink enough water and this can cause a number of health issues.

Fatigue, headaches, dry skin, and even constipation can be brought on by dehydration. In extreme circumstances, it may result in more significant medical issues like kidney stones, heat stroke, and can even be fatal! In order to stay hydrated and preserve excellent health, it is crucial to consume adequate water.

Men should drink about 3.7 litres (or 125 ounces) of water per day, while women should drink about 2.7 litres (or about 91 ounces). This can change according on a person's degree of exercise, the environment, and their general health. A decent guideline is to consume at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. (1) Other fluids, including juice, tea, coffee, and even fruits and vegetables, can help you meet your daily water needs in addition to drinking water. It's also critical to remember that thirst is not always an accurate measure of hydration. You can already be dehydrated by the time you start to feel thirsty. (2)

There are various ways to stay hydrated all day long. Here are some simple tips:

  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.

  • Keep a water bottle nearby and sip throughout the day.

  • Consume foods high in water content, like melons, cucumbers, and strawberries.

  • Drink water before, during, and after exercise.

  • Use water tracking apps to provide you with reminders to drink water

A healthcare practitioner should always be consulted before making any changes to your hydration practise because some people may have medical issues like diabetes or kidney disease that influence their capacity to stay hydrated.

In conclusion, adequate hydration is essential for general wellbeing and good health. Drinking enough water can help prevent a variety of health problems and keep your body functioning properly. By following the recommended guidelines and incorporating the tips above, you can easily stay hydrated and enjoy the benefits of good health.

The next time you are feeling thirsty, remember to drink a glass of water!

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