Is Your Child Vitamin D Deficient? 3 Surprising Truth Revealed!

01 Jun 2023 / Mohit Bhatia

Nutritional deficiencies are often associated with adults, but we tend to overlook the fact that children can also be affected. Vitamin D deficiency is a concern that parents should be aware of. Surprisingly, many children, even in sunny regions like India, suffer from inadequate vitamin D levels. In this blog post, we will explore why it's surprising, examine the statistics related to vitamin D deficiency among Indian children, discuss the potential impacts of this deficiency, and provide effective solutions to address this issue, including our SuperKids D3 B12 vitamin gummies.

1. Why It's Surprising That Kids Are Also Vitamin D Deficient:

Known as the "Sunshine Vitamin," vitamin D is produced in our bodies when exposed to sunlight. It's commonly assumed that children, who usually spend more time outdoors, would naturally have sufficient vitamin D levels. However, modern lifestyles, increased indoor activities, limited sun exposure, and the use of sunscreens have contributed to a rise in vitamin D deficiency among children.

2. The Shocking Stats in India: Children and Vitamin D Deficiency:

In India, where sunlight is abundant for most of the year, it is indeed surprising to learn that a significant number of children suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Studies indicate that nearly 70% of Indian children aged 6-14 have insufficient vitamin D levels. This deficiency cuts across all socioeconomic groups, impacting children living in urban as well as rural areas.

3. What You Should Do:

A. Impacts of Vitamin D Deficiency:

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in a child's overall health and development. Insufficient levels of this vitamin can lead to various health problems, including weakened bones, reduced immune function, increased susceptibility to infections, stunted growth, and developmental issues. Parents must take action to prevent and correct vitamin D deficiency.

B. Effective Solutions:

i. Increase Sun Exposure: Encourage your child to spend time outdoors in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun's rays are less intense. Aim for about 15-20 minutes of sunlight exposure on their skin daily, preferably without sunscreen.

ii. Dietary Sources: Include vitamin D-rich foods in your child's diet. Some natural sources include fatty fish (such as salmon and mackerel), egg yolks, cheese, and fortified dairy products.

iii. Vitamin D Supplements: Consult your child's pediatrician to determine if vitamin D supplements are necessary. Supplements can be beneficial, especially if your child's diet and sun exposure are insufficient to meet their vitamin D requirements. Our Superkids D3 B12 vitamin gummies offer a convenient and tasty option to ensure your child receives adequate vitamin D levels.


Vitamin D deficiency among children is a growing concern that should not be overlooked. Despite living in a country blessed with ample sunlight, many Indian children are at risk of inadequate vitamin D levels. Parents need to be proactive in addressing this issue by encouraging sun exposure, incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into their child's diet, and considering vitamin D supplements if necessary. By taking these steps, we can help ensure our children's optimal health and well-being.

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